There are abundant photos that allow you to decide for yourself what the image and blood marks of this cloth reveal. As you explore the mystery of this shroud through the eyes of forensics and the lens of scripture, you will begin to discover the following, and much more:
The reason why the shroud image isn’t mentioned in the Gospels
Significant studies that demonstrate why the shroud cannot be a painting
Details that confirm that the man of the shroud was crucified
How the shroud corroborates the Gospel accounts of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus
Dr. Lavoie conducts his own studies to determine how blood transferred from a crucified body to cloth. He applies his experience in treating trauma patients and observing the appearance of corpses in autopsy rooms to unveil intriguing insights about the image and blood on the shroud. And he details other experts’ hands-on observations of the shroud at microscopic, biological, and chemical levels and shows how they attest to its authenticity.
This book is a visual journey that opens the door to new insights into the Gospel of John. It is only through John’s witness of the life of Jesus that we can come to a more complete appreciation of the Shroud of Jesus.
No artifact — in all of history — has held people in thrall the way the Shroud of Turin has. It stakes a mighty claim; but, as Dr. Lavoie demonstrates, an overwhelming preponderance of evidence favors its claim. This book brings all that evidence together, with photos and abundant illustrations, subjecting it to close and dispassionate analysis. The author is always engaging. He never over-reaches. There is no more comprehensive book for those who are curious — or skeptical — about the Shroud.– Scott Hahn, founder and president, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology